One of the first questions our company is asked is what sells on the internet, or what sells on eBay? The quick answer is anything, if the price is right. Remember if it was that easy everyone would be a car dealer. To give you a perspective on the size of this market, according to Neilsen/Netratings, Ebay Motors is ranked the #1 automotive website with 12 million visitors every month, and 36% of all online automotive minutes are being spent on eBay Motors.
We have come up with a few suggestions that are working very successfully for dealers across the county. Although some of our suggestions may seem very fundamental, you would be surprised how many people don't follow their own plan. |
First make sure your entire inventory is online. You never know what someone may be looking for. Its very important to get it on as soon as possible to maximize the vehicles exposure during the time you have it in your inventory.
Supply lots of pictures. Remember a person in California may be looking at a car in New York so you want them to feel as if they saw the car in California. The more pictures the better.
A great description goes a long way . I read a story once about a man who wanted to sell his home so he hired a realtor. She came over, looked at the house and told the man she would write up an ad and put it in the local paper. A few days later the man call her up and told her he did not want to sell his house anymore. She asked why? He said, after I read the ad you wrote this is just the house I am looking for. A great description can build tons of value in anything you are trying to sell especially a car.